Getting Your Kids to Help Out With a Move
As the parent of younger or older children, you might think that they can’t do a lot to help you before a move and that you’ll need to take on many of the tasks yourself. Younger kids can do a lot more than you think, and both pre-teens and teenagers can help in other ways. Your children may even want to help because it lets them feel like they are doing something meaningful.
Younger Kids
While babies and toddlers won’t offer much help for your move, slightly older children can help. Give them at least one cardboard box. Ask that they go through their room and pick out things they don’t want anymore or things they don’t use. You can give them additional boxes later and let them pack up their toys or books. Some kids will appreciate having one box that they can fill with things they will unpack first in the new home.
Though many people search for movers North Las Vegas residents can use their own teenagers and older kids to tackle some of the tasks that movers would do. This can help you save on the total cost of your move and save some time too. Let your teens start packing certain rooms in the house like the kitchen and living room in addition to their own bedrooms. Teenagers are old enough that they know what you will need in the days leading up to your room and smart enough to not fill boxes with too much stuff.
Other Help
Moving houses with a baby or a toddler is hard, but you shouldn’t be afraid to ask for some help. Ask a neighbor, family friend or loved one to watch the baby for a few hours while you do some packing, or find out if someone can care for the child on the day of your move. The more help that you get, the less stressful your move will be.