Tips for a Move After the Loss of a Spouse
After the passing of your spouse or partner, you need some time to experience your grief. As you begin the healing process, you may find yourself feeling overwhelmed with living alone in the big family home. Downsizing will be easier with the help of a local Henderson moving company. Use these tips to help with the process of downsizing and moving after the loss of a spouse.
Sort with a Friend
As you pull out drawers and open cabinets, a lot of memories of your loved one may flood back to you. Have a trusted friend with you while you sort through the items in your home. Your friend will not be emotionally attached to the items. Consider taking a digital photograph of the items you don’t need to keep. You can enjoy the memories and have the photograph as a reminder when you need it.
Pace Yourself
You don’t have to clear out every drawer, cabinet and closet in a day or even in a week. Give yourself some time. Consider sorting through one room per week if you are planning your move to be in two to three months from now. This would allow you to spend two or three hours per day in each room. Pacing yourself helps you to prevent feeling fatigued and overwhelmed.
Look Forward to Your New Place
As you sort and pack the items for the movers to take to your new place, imagine how your belongings will look in it. Perhaps your spouse had a beloved figurine or favorite painting. Think of a special place where you can hang it and have fond memories. At the same time, you will be creating a new chapter in your life. Do not be afraid to sell or donate old items and bring in new decor.