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What to Do If You Experience an Illness While in the Process of Moving

How to Manage Moving When You Are Sick

Many people experience stress because of all of the deadlines and activities related to moving. Combined with a lack of sleep, skipping exercise and choosing fast food instead of more complex meals cooked at home, you may be more prone to getting sick right around the time the movers arrive. These tips will help you to manage moving while sick and make the most of the services provided by moving companies in Las Vegas, Nevada.

Get Full-service Movers

If you did not already plan to have the movers do the packing for you, see if you can add that onto your service package. Having the movers do the labor-intensive work of packing and loading your belongings gives your body a break. It also gives you some extra time to rest before moving day.

Put Someone Else in Charge

If you still feel sick when moving day arrives, see if someone else can be the point person for the movers. A partner or family member may be able to do this for you. A trusted neighbor or coworker may even be able to help. The movers could still ask you essential questions, or your point person could act on your behalf. Many movers already know what to do, and they will not need you to direct the details.

Pace Yourself

When you have no other choice but to coordinate things on the day you move, be sure to pace yourself. Keep a teapot on your stove top and sip on hot tea. Have a pack of throat lozenges and tissues nearby. Avoid exerting yourself and keep a folding chair handy to sit down and take breaks as you need to. Keep the phone number of your primary care physician nearby.